Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Early morning dentist

'Tis be Wednesday friends.... almost there!! I had to go to the damn dentist this morning..... 4 hours later and I'm still half numb. Don't make that great of a kissy face, but that isn't needed so much lately so eff it right?

My dentist is no John Stamos, but it would be nice right??
Last night I did dinner and drinks with a couple of friends. Their childhood friend had passed and it was a sad night, they were both so broken. Makes me sit back and look at all my drama and wonder if it's really worth the stress I give it. But then I remember that I'm crazy and over think and over analyse everything so there's really no hope of me letting that shit go.

But oh well, as they say "let it be"

Oh, and keep in mind kids,

That is all!!!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Need some ME time

Hello my blog-reading friends!!

I haven't written in about a month and I do apologize for that. There has been so much going on!!! You would think I would have been blogging about all of it but I didn't want to pull my computer out to get ruined in the shit storm that is my life. I suppose I'll do some 'splainin...

J and I started fighting....

Starting a few weeks ago we had been fighting a lot. It all started when I went to a beer pong party at the ex's brothers house. J wanted to stay home and sleep and he told me to go and have fun. We had been fighting so I didn't really think of anything more than the fact that I could get out of the house and have fun. Everything was completely innocent, NOTHING bad happened and I passed out on the couch around 1230. I woke up at 2 and decided that I would be in big trouble if I stayed all night so I went home. HUGE fight!!! Like a 3 day long fight about how I stayed out too late and how would I feel if he did that with an ex , but we broke up the first time because of the fact that he hung out with his ex all the time and I was told from a couple people that they were sleeping together. When I brought that up (huge mistake) it turned into an even bigger fight! He went all types of bipolar for a few days yelling at me and then flipping a switch apologizing and saying that's not how you treat your lady. After that we never went back to happy...

My birthday was TERRIBLE....

So my birthday was the 25th. I knew I was going to get a bunch of Facebook and text message wishes because Facebook tells you when it's someones birthday... but I didn't think that was going to be it... and it was. I worked for a few hours and when my dad got there to relieve me he brought me roses and a little piece of cheesecake (he is the best daddy in the world). I went home to my nephew and J just chilling and a lame happy birthday with no kiss or anything. Then later on J was making dinner and I went up and hugged him and started crying because no one (because I no friends) wanted to do anything with me and I wasn't going to beg people to hang out for my own birthday like the lame ass that I am. I cheered up though knowing that J and I had already planned to go to the bar and have a drink for me.... but then he was all about how tired he was and how he didn't want to go now. So I sat on the couch with my nephew watching movies while J sat on the computer on his FB all night chatting to people and texting someone non stop trying to be secretive about it. I cried a lot, we fought about it, then I went to bed.

J broke up with me.... over a TEXT MESSAGE!!!!!

Seriously, a text message, and when I called him out on it he said that he attempted to call but it went straight to voicemail... W T F!! Why didn't you just change your relationship status on FB and let me just take a hint or something! And his reasons being I go out to the bar too much and buy movies and never have enough money and he needs to focus on him and his daughter. First, going out too much refers to the one night that we had been fighting about. Second, I bought one movie... from the five dollar bin at walmart... Third, he has his daughter during the week when I'm at work so I really don't see how our relationship distracted him from her. And fourth, he was CONSTANTLY borrowing money from anyone who would give it so he has no right to tell me what I need to do with my money.

I moved...

Since I moved in with him right away like a total dumbass, I had to find a place to live, like right away!! So I moved in with some friends I've known for 7 or so years and things are getting better. My friends girlfriend isn't to fond of my dog so he is outside all day while I'm at work and we go straight into my room when I get home. I'm quite down over all of this crap. I cry a lot, I don't really have any friends to talk to, and I stopped dieting so now I'm back to being this huge blob.

The silver lining..

Dakota loves living with his mama!! He is getting used to being outside and he is now COMPLETELY potty trained. If he needs to go when we are in the room he asks at the door. Even woke me up this morning at 3:30 because he couldn't hold it. I am now back to single where, if I can set my mind to it, I can work on ME! That's what needs to be done, it's just getting started is the hard part. My health, shit, my weight, shit, my personal life, shit, my attitude, shit. There's a whole lot of manure in my garden and now is the perfect time to plant some happiness and watch it blossom. And maybe down the road find a nice gardener to help.

And to end, how about some pictures!

I dyed my hair red... love it

He always has to be touching me,
 whether completely or just a paw lol

Kota and his Mama
Through the darkness there is always a rainbow

Monday, August 13, 2012

Poke Cake!!

Every Sunday we do a family BBQ and I am in charge of the dessert. This week I made a poke cake!!

I made a yellow cake and then after it cooled for about 10-15 minutes I poked a ton of little holes in it then poured strawberry jello over it. I topped it with cool whip and fresh strawberries with a little bit of sugar. A++ for me, everyone loved it!! :)

As I'm sure you can guess, this isn't really weight watchers stuff. I suck at diets! I'm not saying I completely give up, but unless I have someone riding my ass to keep me on track, I get bored and stop. Which is where I'm kinda at on the whole thing right now. It's discouraging and upsets me, but I really have trouble sticking to a diet. It's not that I'm not mentally prepared because I definitely am, It's just hard being the only one dieting and no one to push me when it gets rough. But enough whining for now!!

We are going to be expanding the shop at work!! I'm so excited!!! I got the keys to the other store this morning!! It'll take a little bit, but it will be so worth it in the end!!!! 

That's about it for today! I'm sure I will find something to bitch about soon, till then I'll leave you with a pic of Dakota, the cutest damn puppy in the whole mooniverse!!!

Can you tell I was playing with an artsy app on my phone!! :)

XOXO, Ashley

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy Hump Day: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

I have loved him since high school... the longest crush I think I have ever had! Go me!! Way to stick to something even if it is imaginary.... oh well, Happy Wednesday!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


This weekend was incredibly boring so I opted out on the whole weekend recap thing......

In short, bought a new game to replace Batman (WWE... I'm such a dude), and had a Sunday BBQ.

That's right, be jealous!

This week is already off to a rough start though. Yesterday wasn't too bad, I was just super tired for no apparent reason. But today sucks!!!

I have a bad infestation of childish drama and bitching neighbors, (as in the owners of the shops on either side of me) and they don't make a repellent for that shit. Seriously they are both in their 50's and my 20 something maturity level is 10x higher. He went running to her this morning about something that he didn't like involving the shop upstairs (their arch nemesis apparently) and after sending him to do her dirty work,  "The dragon lady" (nickname given by other people here in the building) retreated back to her lair. He on the other hand went a step further and came into MY shop to and got mad at me when I didn't find their childish games funny. I finally, sternly, told him it isn't my problem and I don't want to hear it anymore so he angrily stomped back to his shop with his nose in the air like a 5 year old that just got told to go to their room. They meet in front of my shop for their daily bitchfest about the store upstairs and I'm so over it!!! I have an attitude problem, and out of respect for my parents I bite my tongue, but I don't know how much longer I can stand the taste of blood!!!!

And in other news, J's daughter has become a bit of an issue.... tattling on me when I take MY dog off the leash outside, rolling her eyes and ignoring almost anything I say, messing around at the dinner table and knocking her drink over on my PS controller (good thing I already beat Batman!), and getting my dog into trouble anytime she can. I'm not like some big gamer or anything, but when my personal property is damaged and all he says is quit messing around, that kind of gets to me. And when she calls my dog or starts playing with him then complains he won't leave her alone and the dog gets punished???? I'm not ok with that either. Hoping to get the balls enough to have a chat tonight. Not going to make him choose between me or his daughter, but if some discipline isn't put into play, I think I may get my own place.

Well, now that I got that off my chest, I'm going to say a little prayer to Barbie and hope she will look over the top of her margarita glass and put my week back on track .... Hope your week is going better than mine!!!!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy Hump Day: Ryan Gosling

"It's like your photo shopped!!" 

Happy Wednesday all!!!! Hope you have a groovy day!! :)